Happy Birthday to my Incredible Wife, Gretchen!

Before I begin, I have to acknowledge today's date is April 16, 2023, yet my wife's birthday is April 15! So apologies are in order for being a tad late, though there have been many valid reasons and I actually have been working on this for awhile now. I've tried to do some unique things, …

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Dad’s Birthday, the Power of Positive Thinking & Some Perspectives Offered

Today was my late father’s birthday and I feel down. He’d be 84 today. Dad loved books and especially ones like Peale’s The Power of Positive Thinking. He and I disagreed on much, including this type of book. But in honor of his birthday, I reread this book and am going to write a few words on it. However, true to form, just because I read it in honor and memory of my father doesn’t mean I’m going to treat this with kid’s gloves.

We Just Bought A New House and We’re Moving!

We have been house hunting all year in another primary region of the country for several different reasons, and I initially thought it would and should turn out to be quick and easy, but it's been the most hellish house buying/moving experience of my life! Because of things like my poor health and my wife's …

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“Project Dumbphone”

I'm sharing an article written/published today about her hopes, intentions, actions and results in going back to "dumb phones," aka, good old flip phones. I intend to write a piece of my own about the same subject sometime, because I've recently done the exact same thing, although I've not yet come to any definitive conclusions. …

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