
I had a page one could find with the others on a tab on the top of this website titled something like “Find Me Here” for a long time. It contained links to all of my (too) many social media accounts & so on. Over the past few years, I’ve been shutting a number of those accounts down — most notoriously Facebook, one of the best things I ever did. And last year I deleted that page.

However, there are still relevant & (possibly) interesting webpages out there on me. I’ve been trying to “class up the joint” a little bit in adding a new page titled “Scott C. Holstad: Select Publications,” which I’ve been working on for some two months as I write this & which is growing larger & larger encompassing much of a good bit of my professional life. There is also already another page that’s been here a couple of years that I occasionally edit as needed titled “Professional Organizations,” which lists the 40+ diverse professional organizations of which I am a member, most of which have fairly stringent criteria for admission & many of which will vet candidates for anywhere from two weeks to six months. That’s not the point, however. It’s meant to illustrate that, without having intended for this, it complements & supplements the new Publications page in many ways.

So I’ve decided to put yet another new page up, in some ways as a replacement for the long gone “Find Me Here” page I mentioned & to be replaced with one that would join the other two I just mentioned to complement & supplement those as well. They may not be as stringent, difficult or possibly impressive as being a Professional Member of the American Nuclear Society, American Academy of Neurology, the American Counseling Association or IEEE, but in their own ways, they’re somewhat impressive — at least several people have told me that — & I’ve worked hard for decades to ultimately find myself in a position to have such profiles, so it’s not going to be much of a page, but like a number of the others, it will list mostly profiles for me as a writer & author, some of which contain a lot of information, some less so, but they should be generally thematically unified & I’ll have links to each. For all I know, this may be a useless endeavor, but perhaps it will satisfy me & I guess that may end up being just enough, who knows? Cheers!

On a related note, I have a separate webpage for the many Professional Organizations to which I belong. I distinguish those from what is on this webpage because most of those involve professional memberships in a variety of organizations, most of which are very specifically narrow, some incredibly selective with very high standards one must meet for potential admission, some are think tanks, nonprofits, industry labor unions, government/military-affiliated foundations, etc. In other words, not what is most often seen on this current page. (A few examples include APS Physics, IEEE, AAPC, SHAFR & AOC.) My Professional Organizations page is similar to this, but much more comprehensive & provides a different look at me & the various interests & knowledge I have beyond professional/creative writing. If you’re interested, you can find it here: Professional Organizations.