Funky. Zillions of Scott C. Holstad Quotes Used for Definitions, Synonyms & Antonyms. Who Knew?

Imagine finding hundreds of definitions, synonyms and related with your name next to them, taken from many of your books and hundreds of quotes attributed to you over the years and now your words were providing context for every imaginable word and phrase (including some you wouldn’t want your mom to see), and along the way with people like Obama, Clint Eastwood, Camus, Bill Maher and even Joe Biden. Would that weird you out? It happened to me. That’s not necessarily a bad thing, but it’s a bit surreal at times.

A few years ago, I ran across some instances of words and terms from quotes attributed to me used to define or explain how to use in sentences on sites like, and which I discovered were all part of the same company that also owns,,, and a bunch of other similar websites. The company is The STANDS4 Network and I know next to nothing about it except that it’s based in Israel. I came across it via when I discovered there were quotes of mine there placed by who knows from a number of my books and publications. It’s a huge site and over the past few years, I’ve added not only a few other quotes of mine, but some quotes from some favorite writers like Bukowski and Camus as well as lesser known contemporary writers who are friends like Sheila Murphy and Belinda Subraman. Others have kept adding of mine and it’s basically the same on Goodreads too — there are over 80 quotes of mine there. And for those of you who know have seen me occasionally post about this, that over the past three years I’ve discovered some 300-350 quotes of mine on many dozens of sites, though some of them are quite redundant and used repeatedly, especially about Halloween, cats, Bukowski, love, depression, etc. I have links to some examples on my website’s sidebar, which I change out on occasion as I find new ones.

Anyway, I started finding my name associated with searches with titles like “What does crashing mean?” and “Mayhem Synonyms,” etc., found on the sites I mentioned. And as I discovered, they appeared in various search results for other things, but often included something from mine with a link to the quote if one was possible (with source). The people quoted usually consist of between one and four persons/quotes and often include some famous people (presidents, kings, celebrities, etc.) as well as basic unknowns like me. Heh. So I noted a few dozens of these back then because it was interesting and a little humorous, but over the past year I’ve largely basically forgotten about it. I’ve had a lot going on.

Until today, when looking for some publications of mine on Duck Duck, I came across a ton of them, and mostly new ones I don’t recall having seen. It then occurred to me I’ve not mentioned this to anyone over all these years and I doubt anyone knows or really cares but I thought I’d write this piece tonight and include a list of some as they appear in search results. (If nothing else, this can serve as a source of amusement for some, as well as possible boredom while ideally there might be a couple that might be cool.)

I don’t really expect to keep this up over time, so this is probably a one-off post. Feel free to comment or share. Cheers!

  • Synonyms for poems. Scott C. Holstad
    • Fragments of poems are Leaking out through the Blood… If you listen closely, You can hear the sounds of windows closing, locking, being sealed. I believe in you and yours Do you Me and mine?
  • What does fuck it mean? Scott C. Holstad
    • when you despise yourself and everyone else in the world, you just give up, say fuck it, and pray the fuckers will accidentally press the big bomb buttons
  • What does diggin mean? Scott C. Holstad (with Jennifer Lopez)
    • i’m still waiting for someone to kick in the groove wake us up get the juices flowing and you know the shit gets more stale a little more square every day and we’re diggin our own grave jumpin in head first and still we cry out for leaders to take us away start the groove over but the tunes are the same doesn’t really matter where you start.
  • What does peachy mean? Scott C. Holstad
    • The day began simply enough, cigarette in hand, coffee, black and bitter, wadded up newspaper, and after I got out of bed You were there too, and you wanted to debate the meaning of existence, but I couldn’t at that moment Outside, the birds sang to each other, words of wisdom, clouds of the finest smoke, a mob of blue jays descended on the bird feeder, the light still peachy If there are lessons to be Learned and gauntlets run, If you remain holy, The seed will be taken right from your hand.
  • What does balled mean? Scott C. Holstad
    • There are two of me now, old and disfigured, new and disheveled. A crinkled, yellow newspaper balled up in the fireplace, spidery face, rotted jaw, sewn and resewn.
  • Haunted Synonyms & Antonyms. Scott C. Holstad
    • apparitions of stick people torment me, of skeletal phantoms walking in rain deathly dead stick arms upraised to the gods. i knew one such apparition once, cheated of life by a diseased society intent upon deprivation of body and soul, identity as we would have it. I am haunted at times by what could have been.
  • Plunger Synonyms. Scott C. Holstad (2) (with Jen Psaki)
    • i want to hold her to me, take away her pain, fear, make her believe someone gives a shit. i want to stroke the nape of her soft downy neck, cover her eyes with my hand, feel her cheeks quiver beneath — i want to know her, but like one wounded she won’t let them close. she’s afraid to live life at times she feels a feeling similar to one she had as a child but when it appears she pushes the plunger and it disappears.
    • She told me that a friend of hers had heard of me and exclaimed “he’s disturbing to read.” now i like that – “disturbing to read: — like popping pills or pushing the plunger down, like big knives and rusty razors. i’m fucking disturbing – let me disturb you too
  • What does teatime mean? Scott C. Holstad
    • today is a good day for murder love hatred sex violence drugs revisionist attitudes anarchy of the sense letters and the like teatime exists in the MinD snarling underground day addiction
  • What does jumpin mean? Scott C. Holstad
    • i’m still waiting for someone to kick in the groove wake us up get the juices flowing and you know the shit gets more stale a little more square every day and we’re diggin our own grave jumpin in head first and still we cry out for leaders to take us away start the groove over but the tunes are the same doesn’t really matter where you start.
  • Askew Synonyms & Antonyms. Scott C. Holstad
    • pictures of life grinding to a halt decorating walls movement in dead motion limbs askew mouths stretched wide in motionless scream. art as we see it – feeling it’s another story. so does art imitate life or does life imitate A—R—T and where does it end – on cold walls before disinterested observers?
  • Antonym of carnivorous. Scott C. Holstad
    • A smile cures all forms of sickness, yet behind many smiles lies a set of very sharp teeth, carnivorous and rarely satisfied.
  • What does blackened mean? Scott C. Holstad
    • I am my own power, my own home with blackened roses gaping at softened slashed easy chairs, furled requiems of silence, yet strength too — of poetry, of the books, of the gods. I am my Own and I intend to be the keeper of My truth, the slayer of My dragons, the Exorcist of My demons.
  • Fucking Synonyms & Antonyms. Scott C. Holstad (with Clint Eastwood)
    • oh great, more Really Important People sitting down beside me with their damned mobile phones to screech in LOUD voices condos resale values, great new stock options, frequent flyer miles, who is fucking whom… actually, i think the rest of us are being screwed by these social leeches but god they look good don’t they
  • Ideation Synonyms & Antonyms. Scott C. Holstad
    • on sale today we have Doubts, Insecurities, Depression and Guilt for reduced prices, in this section Self-Hatred, Suicidal Ideation and Anger. that section there has Betrayal, Inferiority, Hostility and Frustration, but in the back, the best … Confusion, Apathy, Paranoia, Irritation and the beloved Need-To-Kiss-Ass-At-Work all on sale for very, very low prices…
  • What does godawful mean? Scott C. Holstad (with Joe Biden)
    • They gave me killer pills that knocked me on my ass for a few hours at least so I wouldn’t have to hear the godawful screaming. I’m exhausted and my blood boils and there’s nothing I can do. There was another life that seems so long ago and I try to reconstruct images, events, people, all just dreams tethered to the knife in my soul. This is my cross, my dagger, my napalm, my dance of the dead…
  • What does collective identity mean? Scott C. Holstad
    • what society dictates, we consume, cattle gathering around learning devices called television, mouths opening wider while addictive morsels of consumerism are violently jammed into us and we lose more bits and pieces of our collective identity daily.
  • What does long-lost mean? Scott C. Holstad
    • Like long lost love abandoned in forgotten letters, you lose yourself in others, and dream their dreams, become their aspirations. When you look in the mirror, you see a black blank picture of Them staring back and you vow not to before giving in once again.
  • What does stylistic mean? Scott C. Holstad
    • Sure, I’ve written about women and sex and madhouses, just like Bukowski did, but I’ve also written about many other topics, often utilizing other stylistic methods in doing so. Bukowski would probably have been annoyed with the rambling tone of my poems in Cells.
  • Antonym of nebulous. Scott C. Holstad
    • She watched the smoke from the cigarette ooze slowly up to the ceiling, form into a nebulous cloud above her head like some miniature L.A. and then glanced at me. “Open the window, the room smells.” As I struggled with the lock, I noticed the cracks in the pane looked like so many veins in her wrist, pulsing, throbbing, making rivers of passion and death.
  • What does scratcher mean? Scott C. Holstad
    • pound for pound, the best one of the bunch, a fighter, scratcher, pit bull, she can nail ‘em to the floor in one second flat, her body’s beautiful, but her mind’s a work of art, whirling madly, twisting and turning, she’s a REAL woman and she won’t let you forget it
  • What does boarded mean? Scott C. Holstad
    • They closed the transient 5th Avenue Motel and now where will they go? They came from all over to stay for a night or a month or whatever they could afford, however they can afford it – and now it’s gone, broken windows boarded up, chain link fence surrounding it like it’s a dog with scurvy. The transient hotel drained pale, pissing in an empty ashtray.
  • Antonym of tenement. Scott C. Holstad
    • We are the people in cheap hotels and tenement housing walking down side alleys talking to ourselves. We are the people the pushers the whores the crackheads the gunrunners the bangers the pimps the homeless the outlaws the crippled the freaks the damned. Drink to us my friends for we are the forgotten.
  • Synonyms for give a shit. Scott C. Holstad
    • when they look at me and ask how could you i want to tell them how fucking easy it is you just need a little sickness in the head and an i don’t give a shit attitude
  • What does anyhow mean? Scott C. Holstad (with Anthony Fauci)
    • The few who are ballsy enough to actually live wind up in madhouses, tortured by actuality. We all wind up in the same place anyhow … food for unseeing worms.
  • What does uttering mean? Scott C. Holstad
    • Ashes keep drifting onto my paper, charcoal snowflakes on a minefield of blanks, words bouncing around off each other uttering impotent images of sight sound terror life crying for recognition, narcissistic eunuchs reflecting my face, ruining the snowfield.
  • Antonym of oblivious. Scott C. Holstad (with Bill Maher and Kahlil Gibran)
    • angry, violent, bizarre, we’re obscene in our lust, oblivious in our pain. i’m a man driven by my passions. sometimes I desire normalcy but then my brain wakes up and i return to reality.

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