Funky. Zillions of Scott C. Holstad Quotes Used for Definitions, Synonyms & Antonyms. Who Knew?

Scott C. Holstad discovered his words and quotes being used to define and explain various terms on related websites. These quotations from his books and publications were found in search results and linked back to the original sources. This realization was both surreal and intriguing and has led to the discovery of hundreds of his quotes on many dozens of websites as well as definitions, citations and even pirated books and papers. Several newly found definition examples make up much of this post. [CLICK ON THE TITLE TO ACCESS THE ENTIRE POST. THESE WORDS ON THE HOMEPAGE ARE SIMPLY AN AUTO-GENERATED LEAD-IN. THANKS.]

Scott C Holstad Quote in Happier Humans’ “107 Positive Self-Reflection Quotes to Grow in Life”

A couple of days ago, I somehow stumbled across a new article titled "107 Positive Self-Reflection Quotes to Grow in Life" that included one of my own quotes -- and thank God, a "new" one I've not yet seen used for one of my quotes. There are a few -- of hundreds -- of my …

Continue reading Scott C Holstad Quote in Happier Humans’ “107 Positive Self-Reflection Quotes to Grow in Life”