Graduate gets Pulitzer nomination

I’ve been engaged in various forms of research for many different projects over the past few years, but one of them involves trying to find (mostly old) information about my professional writing and publishing past since so much as been lost to time, massive geographical moves, damage, theft, technological “glitches” and much more all over the world. Now is not the time for me to describe anything in detail but I’ll just say it’s a rare week, if not day, I don’t run across either something I’d not seen in many years and had largely forgotten or more commonly, stuff I never knew about, some of which has been public for decades and I just never knew. I’ve come across everything from book reviews, publications, letters, invoices, uncashed checks, fan mail, evidence or rumors of books I’ve allegedly authored, contracts, broken contracts, photos, ads, media, interviews, books authored by frauds under my name (some are actually in major university special collections libraries!), and so much more.

Well, I don’t recall how I came across the link to this article a few weeks ago but I thought I would post it here. It’s to an article that’s over 25 years old when the newspaper from the University of Tennessee, the Daily Beacon, published this story on me titled “Graduate gets Pulitzer nomination.” I actually vaguely remember it but had forgotten it as I’d not seen it in decades, IF I ever saw it at all. I do remember being interviewed for it. Taken alone, it may not seem like much, but added together with all of the other stuff, it helps build a narrative that’s been missing for far too long. Interestingly, another university newspaper, UCLA’s Daily Bruin, published a similar, very nice piece titled “Pulitzer Prize nominee visits ‘Places’ in personal history” in advance of a big reading I was to do on campus there.

That’s all for now but I do hope to post more, such as finding more and more Scott C. Holstad quote wallpapers, created by no one I know but now numbering in the many dozens all over the Net. It’s still a bit surreal, though in largely a good way.

Hopefully the holidays are treating all of you well. I’m always trying to add a few things to this site, so don’t feel obligated to wait for a notice about a new post because chances are you’ll find new pages, links, pics, etc., pretty often, and I’m still writing and publishing a few things here and there, from some creative work to continued analysis on sites like LinkedIn, etc. Also feel free to comment, suggest, email, message, etc. I may be slow to respond but I like to hear from you and I really will try to respond as soon as possible. Cheers!

2 thoughts on “Graduate gets Pulitzer nomination

  1. southernhon1

    This is really great. I love the old articles! Seems strange to me to consider something published in the mid-90s “old,” but I’m old, so I guess that tracks. I hope you continue writing and having your work published.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks! I know. On one hand it doesn’t “sound” that long ago, I guess cause I (and you obviously) lived it, lived it before and since. Conversely when you’re talking about articles about yourself that are over 25 years old, that’s freakishly old! Hah! Cheers! – Scott


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