The Halloween Cats

Ace, the reluctant Halloween kitty
Ace, the reluctant Halloween kitty
Halloween Henry, the Holiday Cat
Halloween Henry, the Holiday Cat

Scott Holstad’s 2023 Halloween Quote — a Tribute to our Halloween Cats

When you’re lying in bed fighting off the urge to scream, it’s not the memories that keep you going. Instead, it’s the dreams and the cats blaring evil and godlike into the blackness… of All Hallow’s Eve

Scott C. Holstad. Distant Visions, Again and Again

Scott Holstad’s Most Popular Halloween Quote

“I might play with my cat and then go trick people to death.”

Scott C. Holstad, Shadows Before the MaimingTODAY – 92 Halloween quotes that will have everyone cackling with delight

The Halloween Cats, Prepping for Halloween

Henry the cat - Getting his Halloween face on!
Henry the cat – Getting his Halloween face on!
Ace the cat, eagerly anticipating Halloween. (The candy...)
Ace the kitty, eagerly anticipating Halloween. (Mmmm. Candy…)

Happy Halloween, 2023!

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