Have you ever looked through customer reviews on Amazon and seen a colored label beside some reviewer that reads “VINE VOICE?”

Amazon VINE VOICE Logo

I’ve seen these — infrequently — on various reviews of basically everything and over time began to wonder what was up with that. I came to realize that people with that label were designated as such by Amazon and were some type of “super” or privileged review whose reviews, I assumed, were supposed to count more than the rest of us. I didn’t know, but that’s how I interpretated it. And left it at that. I’ve written a lot of reviews on tons of stuff — as you’ve seen here over the years — and on sites such as Goodreads (over 1,500 book reviews), LibraryThing, Discogs, Open Library, Medium, a number of magazines, and Amazon. I don’t know how many on Amazon, but I’m sure thousands. I don’t know if there’s anyway to check and besides, some are rudimentary and say little while others have been very in-depth and for no reason other than I’ve sometimes felt compelled. I’ve always done this for free because I usually enjoy it, but because it can be so time consuming, I only review a tiny fraction of things and items I legitimately could.

Well, without knowing any details or making an attempts, I am now an Amazon VINE VOICE reviewer! Amazon sent me an invite a week or two ago and I finally agreed after looking over the program and I have to review a certain number of items over a certain period of time, objectively, which I try to do anyway, so it’s kind of cool. And I now know what the actual definition of that program is. It’s basically what I thought it was.

Here is part of Amazon’s description:

“Amazon Vine is a program that enables a select group of Amazon customers to post opinions about new and pre-release items to help their fellow customers to make educated purchasing decisions.”

From what I’ve been able to glean, it sounds like a small percentage of people — somewhere between 1% and 4% of their customers who write reviews — but if you think about their customer base, that still could be a huge number of people. But since I’ve seen so few over the years and since not everyone writes reviews, let alone a lot, let alone that get views, I’m guessing the overall number isn’t as huge as it might otherwise be.

Some responsibilities and commitments come with it but nothing too crazy. And I don’t feel the need to say much more but I’m going to post the first review I’ve written with the new status, on August 16 for a simple charger for select Samsung Galaxy products. I’m also going to post a review I wrote a couple of months ago, showing the little label is retroactive, which is kind of cool. These reviews were of items I purchased for personal use, but today I got my first items to try out and review for this program — things I might not necessarily get for myself otherwise. Should be fun.

My Amazon VINE VOICE review of the Skight Tire Inflator Portable Air Compressor from June 1, 2023

Scott Holstad's first review after receiving status of Amazon VINE VOICE
My first review after receiving status of Amazon VINE VOICE (8/16/2023)

I just thought about a couple of last things to mention. One, even though I’ve been an Amazon customer from Day One, I don’t think I actually started writing any reviews until the last five years or so, though I don’t know how I could find out. It’s cool, though, because they’ve received at least 60,000 views. That said, I actually don’t have that many “Hearts” (as Amazon calls them). Barely 300! So I’m going to put a link here to my public profile there containing I don’t know how many of my reviews — all of them? — which would include tech items, music, beverages, food, clothing, books, jewelry, electronic devices, kitchen items and more. And I’m going to shamelessly invite anyone to look at any, read a few and feel free to “contribute” a heart vote (to recognize a “helpful” review) if so compelled. I don’t really expect anyone to do so, but I’d be a fool not to at least provide a link to my profile. So if you do, thanks a ton. And if you don’t, I’ll never know anyway, right? LOL! Anyway, I guess that’s all for now. Cheers!

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